KORNEEZ is a well-established snack food brand manufactured by AMK Enterprises, a leading company based in Islamabad, Pakistan. This case study explores the problem statement that led to the development of a custom Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system by UtoR, the solution provided, and the impactful outcomes achieved through improved efficiency in internal processes and enhanced customer relationships.

Problem Statement

AMK Enterprises faced challenges in streamlining their internal processes and managing their growing business operations. They needed a comprehensive solution that would enable them to optimize their manufacturing, inventory management, and customer relationship management to meet the increasing demands of the snack food industry. Manual processes and fragmented systems hindered their ability to scale efficiently and maintain consistent quality across their diverse product range.


UtoR collaborated with AMK Enterprises to develop a custom ERP system tailored to their specific requirements, addressing the challenges faced by the company in their operations and customer relationships.

Custom ERP Development

UtoR designed and implemented a custom ERP system that integrated various modules to support AMK Enterprises' operations comprehensively. The ERP system incorporated functionalities such as manufacturing, inventory management, order processing, sales, customer relationship management, and e-commerce for B2C transactions. The system was developed to be user-friendly, scalable, and flexible to accommodate future growth and evolving business needs. platforms.

Integration with E-commerce

To enhance their customer reach and improve B2C relationships, UtoR integrated the custom ERP system with an e-commerce platform. This integration enabled AMK Enterprises to offer a seamless online shopping experience to their customers, streamline order processing, and automate inventory management. The integration ensured real-time synchronization between the ERP system and the e-commerce platform, reducing manual efforts and improving efficiency.

The collaboration between AMK Enterprises and UtoR, through the development and implementation of the custom ERP system, has had a significant impact on the company's operations and customer relationships. Here are some notable outcomes
  • ● Improved Internal Efficiency

    The custom ERP system streamlined internal processes, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity. Manufacturing processes were optimized, inventory management became more accurate, and order processing became automated. The system eliminated redundant tasks, reduced errors, and improved overall operational efficiency.

  • ● Enhanced Customer Relationships

    The integration of the ERP system with the e-commerce platform improved B2C relationships. Customers experienced a seamless online shopping experience, with real-time product availability information, automated order processing, and timely delivery. This enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased sales and repeat business.

  • ● Scalability and Future Growth

    The custom ERP system developed by UtoR was designed to be scalable, allowing AMK Enterprises to accommodate future growth and expansion. As the company continues to evolve, the ERP system can adapt and incorporate new functionalities to support their changing business needs.

  • ● Quality Control and Compliance

    The custom ERP system enabled AMK Enterprises to enforce stringent quality control standards throughout their manufacturing processes. The system tracked and monitored key quality parameters, ensuring consistent product quality and compliance with industry standards and regulations.


AMK Enterprises, in partnership with UtoR, achieved significant improvements in their operations and customer relationships through the development and implementation of a custom ERP system. The system streamlined internal processes, enhanced customer experiences, and provided scalability for future growth. The collaboration exemplifies the power of technology in optimizing manufacturing processes, improving efficiency, and driving business success in the snack food industry.