Frich is a unique platform that aims to break the taboo surrounding personal finances and foster open discussions about money. This case study explores the problem statement that led to the development of Frich, the solution provided by UtoR, and the impactful outcomes achieved through the native mobile app development and the transition from a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to a Commercially Viable Product (CVP).

Problem Statement

Money is often considered a taboo subject, and individuals may feel uncomfortable discussing their personal finances openly. This lack of transparency and social dialogue around money can lead to financial insecurities, uninformed decision-making, and a lack of financial empowerment. There was a need for a platform that would provide users with transparent information, enable comparisons with peers, and create a community that encourages open financial discussions.


UtoR collaborated with Frich to develop a platform that addresses the challenges related to personal finance discussions and empowers individuals to feel confident about their financial situations.

Native Mobile App Development

UtoR developed native iOS and Android apps for Frich, providing users with a seamless and immersive mobile experience. The mobile apps incorporated intuitive user interfaces, enabling users to access transparent information about personal finances, compare themselves to peers, and make informed decisions. The apps offered features such as personal finance tracking, expense analysis, goal setting, and community engagement, creating a comprehensive platform for financial empowerment.

Transition from MVP to CVP

UtoR supported Frich in transitioning from a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to a Commercially Viable Product (CVP). This involved refining and enhancing the platform based on user feedback, optimizing performance, and adding new features to enhance the overall user experience. The transition from MVP to CVP ensured that Frich could offer a polished and robust product that meets the needs and expectations of its users.

The collaboration between Frich and UtoR, through native mobile app development and the transition to a CVP, has had a significant impact on financial empowerment and open discussions about personal finances. Here are some notable outcomes
  • ● Financial Empowerment

    Frich's platform has empowered individuals to feel confident about their personal finances. The transparent information provided allows users to gain insights into their financial situations, make informed decisions, and set meaningful financial goals. By fostering financial empowerment, Frich has contributed to improving users' financial well-being.

  • ● Open Financial Discussions

    Frich has created a community where financial discussions are encouraged and celebrated. By breaking the taboo around money, the platform has provided a safe space for users to openly share their financial experiences, learn from peers, and seek guidance. This open dialogue has helped to demystify personal finances and promote financial education.

  • ● Informed Decision-Making

    With access to transparent information and the ability to compare themselves to peers, users of Frich are empowered to make informed financial decisions. The platform's features, such as personal finance tracking and expense analysis, enable users to gain insights into their spending habits and make adjustments to achieve their financial goals.

  • ● Enhanced User Experience

    The transition from MVP to CVP, facilitated by UtoR, has resulted in an enhanced user experience on the Frich platform. The refined features, improved performance, and added functionalities have made the platform more user-friendly and engaging. This has contributed to increased user satisfaction and retention.


Frich, in collaboration with UtoR, has successfully created a platform that breaks the taboo surrounding personal finances and promotes open financial discussions. Through native mobile app development and the transition to a CVP, Frich has empowered individuals to feel confident about money, make informed decisions, and engage in a supportive community. The collaboration between Frich and UtoR showcases the transformative potential of technology in fostering financial empowerment and changing the narrative around personal finances.