Bhartee is a tech startup in Pakistan that aims to empower businesses of all sizes by providing a seamless and efficient process to fulfill their staffing needs. This case study explores the problem statement that led to the development of Bhartee, the solution provided by UtoR, and the impactful outcomes achieved through their product strategy, design, and development from the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to a full launch globally.

Problem Statement

Businesses in Pakistan often face challenges in finding suitable candidates to fill their vacant positions. The traditional hiring process can be time-consuming, costly, and inefficient, leading to delays in filling vacancies and hampering business operations. There was a need for a platform that could streamline the staffing process, making it easy, fast, and cost-efficient for businesses of all sizes to find the right candidates within a short period.


UtoR collaborated with Bhartee to develop a comprehensive platform that addresses the challenges faced by businesses in fulfilling their staffing needs.

Product Strategy, Design, and Development

UtoR worked closely with Bhartee in defining the product strategy and designing a user-friendly platform. The strategy involved understanding the unique needs of businesses across industries and creating a solution that would cater to their diverse staffing requirements. UtoR's expertise in product design and development was instrumental in translating the vision into a functional platform.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Development

UtoR developed the MVP version of the Bhartee platform, focusing on the core functionalities necessary for businesses to fulfill their staffing needs efficiently. The platform was designed to be user-friendly, allowing businesses to post job openings, review candidate profiles, and communicate with potential candidates seamlessly. The web platform was built on Microsoft Azure, ensuring reliable hosting and scalability, while the mobile apps for iOS and Android were developed using the Flutter framework, enabling cross-platform compatibility.

Full Launch and Global Expansion

UtoR supported Bhartee in scaling up the platform from the MVP to a full launch globally. This involved refining and enhancing the platform based on user feedback, adding additional features, and optimizing performance and scalability. The collaboration with UtoR enabled Bhartee to expand its reach and cater to businesses of all sizes, ensuring a streamlined staffing process across Pakistan.

The collaboration between Bhartee and UtoR, through the product strategy, design, and development, has had a significant impact on businesses in Pakistan and their staffing needs. Here are some notable outcomes
  • ● Streamlined Staffing Process

    Bhartee has streamlined the staffing process for businesses, making it easy, fast, and cost-efficient to find suitable candidates. The platform's user-friendly interface and efficient search algorithms enable businesses to post job openings and connect with potential candidates within a short period. This streamlined process saves time and resources for businesses, allowing them to focus on their core operations.

  • ● Increased Efficiency and Time Savings

    By guaranteeing vacant position fulfillment within 72 hours or less, Bhartee has significantly reduced the time and effort spent on the hiring process. Businesses can quickly find the right candidates for their needs, minimizing downtime and ensuring smooth operations. The platform's automated features and efficient communication channels further enhance the efficiency of the staffing process

  • ● Improved Access to Talent Pool

    Bhartee's platform has provided businesses with access to a diverse talent pool across various industries and job roles. This increases the chances of finding candidates who best fit their requirements. By facilitating connections between businesses and candidates, Bhartee has expanded employment opportunities and contributed to the growth of the job market in Pakistan.

  • ● Cost Efficiency

    The streamlined staffing process offered by Bhartee results in cost savings for businesses. The platform eliminates the need for extensive advertising and recruitment efforts, reducing recruitment costs. The efficient process also minimizes the impact of vacant positions on productivity and revenue generation.


Bhartee, in collaboration with UtoR, has revolutionized the staffing process for businesses in Pakistan. Through a comprehensive platform and streamlined process, Bhartee has empowered businesses of all sizes to fulfill their staffing needs efficiently. The collaboration showcases the transformative potential of technology in facilitating connections between businesses and candidates, fostering job opportunities, and contributing to the growth of the Pakistani job market.